PAX 2023 – Swinburne Booth
This year I was lucky enough to again work with Swinburne students on their Capstone game projects. I met with many of the teams earlier this year, and began work with two teams; One House One Fish, and Sick Bread Studios.
The two games required very different soundtracks. Sick Bread have created a party-game brawler titled Mudslappers – ‘slap, bump and spit your way to victory’. From the start, Niki (Concept Art/2D artist) wanted a metal soundtrack – brutal, heavy guitars and drums.
One House One Fish on the other hand wanted more calm, cute music for their twist on a house decorating game. In order to acquire new furniture for your house, you must hunt it. In House Hunting, you shoot sentient furniture, and place their corpses in your house. It sounds more macabre than it plays, I assure you.
As well as creating the music, I used FMOD to create dynamic scenes for both games.
Mudslappers dynamically changes track with each consecutive ring out, and House Hunting features an infinite, generative style score for the open-world hunting.
Both games were featured at PAX 2023 in Melbourne, and seeing the games being played by the general public and seeing their reactions was an amazing experience.
The games are available to download on, links to both are below.